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To build/debug/test all parts of the project you will need the following:

Main app, client side, and testing




You may want to run most of the tools in Docker. This way you would avoid installing software on your machine. Docker is powerful enough to let you run several containers for different jobs which operate on a single mounted volume with the app. You may want to examine .gitlab-ci.yml to find out which images you may need for certain tasks.


The recommended editor for this project is VS Code. It has the first class support for C# and .NET, as well as TypeScript. This project does not depend on any particular editor. You may use any one (Visual Studio, Atom, Notepad++, etc.)


There is .vscode/ directory in the root of the project. This folder contains project specific settings for VS Code. You may want to set it up for yourself.

How to build the app


Server-side apps1 are built with .NET Core. Before building the project, make sure all dependencies (nuget packages) are installed - execute dotnet restore. Then use the command dotnet build to build the app (or dotnet publish -c release to publish2 the app). Both commands should be executed in a directory where *.csproj is.


To compile client, we need to compile LESS to CSS, TypeScript to JS and then put output files in the correct locations. For this task we use webpack bundler and its modules.

First, install required node modules

  • Run yarn in the root directory of the project
  • Run yarn in the client/ directory

Second, generate TypeScript typings $(yarn bin)/typings install (from the root directory).

Third, bundle the app with the Webpack. Run $(yarn bin)/webpack --context client/ --env prod --config client/webpack.config.js --output-path src/web/wwwroot/js.

Finally, move files to correct locations.

mkdir -p src/web/wwwroot/css/
mv src/web/wwwroot/js/app.min.css src/web/wwwroot/css/
rm src/web/wwwroot/js/less.*


For your convenience, there is a script, which will take care of all these steps. ./ will build and publish the app for production. ./ -d will build client side only using development configuration3. ./ -f name-of-function will run only one function from those defined in

How to generate documentation

We generate 4 different types of documentation. HTML output is generated in documentation/out/ directory.

C# Docs

Doxygen is used to generate HTML docs from C# comments. Run doxygen Doxyfile to generate docs.

TypeScript Docs

TypeDoc is used to generate HTML docs from TypeScript comments. Run $(yarn bin)/typedoc --logger none client/ts/ to generate docs.

API Docs

Spectacle is used to generate HTML docs for API endpoints. Run $(yarn bin)/spectacle api.yml -t documentation/out/swagger to generate docs.


MkDocs is used to generate HTML articles (like the one you are reading now). Run mkdocs build from articles/ directory to generate articles.


For your convenience, ./ has function build-docs that will do the work for you. Invoke it like this ./ -f name-of-function.

How to test the app

Testing is fairly simple. You need to run dotnet test in the test/ directory. Do not forget to set env variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to Testing and restore dependencies.


For your convenience, there is a test/ script that will do these actions for you.

Testing provider4 will print the results of the testing. Specifically, you will see how many tests are failing, passing or being skipped.

BLC / Tidy

We also use little tools like BLC and Tidy to run quality checks on the app. In particular, Tidy makes sure that generated HTML is W3C complainant, and BLC is checking for broken links.

To test the app with these tools, install them first, run the app in one process and pipe the HTML output from the app to the tools, like this curl -Ls http://localhost:5555/ | tidy -e.

How to package the app

Packaging the app is as simple as running docker build ... on each project after the app has been built.


For your convenience, ./ has functions build-docker-images and push-docker-images that will do the work for you. Invoke them like this ./ -f name-of-function.


You can always look up .gitlab-ci.yml to see exactly how app is being built, tested and packaged.

  1. Daemons and web 

  2. Publish command will build the app and pack into the directory with all its .NET dependencies. You should use it when building for production. 

  3. In dev configuration, server will attempt to load resources from different location than in prod configuration. For dev configuration, resource will not be minified/uglified and will have sourcemaps, so you can debug the client side. It is essential to set env variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to Development when working with dev configuration. 

  4. xUnit is this case